

Outdoor Herbivore seeks backpackers to promote our brand; however, we cannot keep up with the number of sponsorship requests we get each day. We are small businesses, and most unsolicited sponsorship requests cannot be accepted.


Therefore, we've put together this list of requirements to help you decide if partnering with Outdoor Herbivore makes sense. If so, we'd love to hear from you!


Please take a look at the following criteria before contacting Outdoor Herbivore about a sponsorship.



To maintain our organizational objectives and to have a more significant impact on giving, Outdoor Herbivore does not provide charitable support for:

- For-profit ventures.

- Religious organizations.

- Political organizations or political activities.

- Organizations that endorse hunting, hurting, or eating animals.

- Individual study or research.

- Unsolicited auction products or giveaways.

- Organizations that discriminate against persons or groups based on political affiliation, race, nationality, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or religious belief.


Requests that are made that match any of these requirements will not be accepted.



- Animal Welfare.

- Nature & Environmental Conservancy.

- Hunger Relief Promoting a Vegetarian Diet.


We support individuals & bloggers that are familiar with our brand on a limited basis. To qualify, you must

- Be a customer or have ordered with us before. Please provide a recent order number.

- You are a community leader, scientist, or physician that actively hikes and promotes a vegetarian diet through speaking engagements, books, videos, podcasts, or trail journals.

- If a blogger, or content creator, you must have active up-to-date content with at least a 1-year history and have a link to Outdoor Herbivore's website.

Yes, I meet these requirements and would like to be considered for a sponsorship with Outdoor Herbivore!